RFM Analysis and Modelization
The business problem
- Problem: we don't understand our customer. We don't know if a specific customer is relevant for our organization.
- Goals:
- We want to know how much value a customer is generating for the organization.
- We want to know how the generated value is going to evolve.
- We want to segment customers based on value.
- Why? To perform specific actions for different customer groups
But attention, our organization is starting the customer analytics journey and we can not propose really sophisticated techniques.
Technique to solve the business problem
RFM Analysis is a customer segmentation method based on:
- Recency
- Frequency
- Monetary
It is easy to implement and understand. It is based on pareto principle: 20% of customers generate 80% of revenue.
When to use it: Used for non-contractual purchasing.
Main Concepts
The main concepts are:
- Recency: the number of days that have passed since the customer last purchased - How recently did the customer purchase?
- Frequency: number of purchases in a specific period (for example, last 12 months) - How often do they purchase?
- Monetary: value of orders from a given customer in the specific period - How much do they spend?
Implementation Process
- [BU] Discuss whether RFM fits as a metric in our business
- [DP] Identification and understanding of sources and metadata
- [DP] Extract, clean and load data
- [M] Create R,F,M variables per customer
- [M] Assign RFM percentile (use from 5 -offline- up to 10 -online- percentile segments)
- [E] Analyze results
- [D] Present and explain the results
This technique provides the following benefits:
- It is a customer segmentation easy to calculate and understand
- Good fit for direct marketing: Which are the best segments? Who do I need to contact?
- Helps to improve CLV
- Helps to reduce churn (instead using other more complex techniques)
- Can be extended with location dimension (RFML)
- Provides some kind of insight about loyalty
Use cases
This technique is used in different use cases:
- Forecasting and Sales reporting based on RFM
- RFM profiling
- Churn Analysis
- Marketing actions: mailing, call center,...
How to implement RFM using R
# Install packages
# Load packages
# Load data
sales_data <- read.csv("data/s4.csv",stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# Review data
# Create recency
sales_data$Recency <- round(as.numeric(difftime(Sys.Date(),
sales_data[,3],units="days")) )
# Creation of Recency, Frequency y Monetary
salesM <- aggregate(sales_data[,2],list(sales_data$idCustomer),sum)
names(salesM) <- c("idCustomer","Monetary")
salesF <- aggregate(sales_data[,2],list(sales_data$idCustomer),length)
names(salesF) <- c("idCustomer","Frequency")
salesR <- aggregate(sales_data[,4],list(sales_data$idCustomer),min)
names(salesR) <- c("idCustomer","Recency")
# Combination R,F,M
temp <- merge(salesF,salesR,"idCustomer")
salesRFM <- merge(temp,salesM,"idCustomer")
# Creation of R,F,M rank
salesRFM$rankR <- cut(salesRFM$Recency,5,labels=F)
salesRFM$rankF <- cut(salesRFM$Frequency,5,labels=F)
salesRFM$rankM <- cut(salesRFM$Monetary,5,labels=F)
# Review top 10
salesRFM <- salesRFM[with(salesRFM, order(-rankR, -rankF, -rankM)), ]
head(salesRFM, n=10)
# Analysis
groupRFM <- count(salesRFM, rankR, rankF,rankM)
groupRFM <- salesRFM$rankR*100 + salesRFM$rankF*10 +
salesRFM <- cbind(salesRFM,groupRFM)
# Plot
ggplot(salesRFM, aes(factor(groupRFM))) +
geom_bar() +
ggtitle('Customer Distribution by RFM') +
labs(x="RFM",y="# Customers") +
theme(plot.title = element_text(color="#666666", face="bold", size=16, hjust=0)) +
theme(axis.title = element_text(color="#666666", face="bold"))
- Shweta Singh , Sumit Singh , (2016) "Accounting for risk in the traditional RFM approach", Management Research Review, Vol. 39 Iss: 2, pp.215 - 234
- Fader, Peter S., Bruce G.S. Hardie, and Ka Lok Lee (2005), "RFM and CLV: Using Iso-value Curves for Customer Base Analysis." Abstract PDF
- Fader, Peter S., Bruce G.S. Hardie, and Ka Lok Lee (2004), "'Counting Your Customers' the Easy Way: An Alternative to the Pareto/NBD Model." Abstract PDF Associated Excel spreadsheet and note
- Tkachenko, Yegor. Autonomous CRM Control via CLV Approximation with Deep Reinforcement Learning in Discrete and Continuous Action Space. (April 8, 2015). PDF